There is no need to tell you about myself but I would like to tell you more about the continent I love so dearly. Africa is different. It sometimes appears to be first world and then it is back to third world. Here we have a diverse lot of people and I hope that you, the reader, will respect us for what we are and not try to change us to be like you.
I hope that this page will bring the beauty of our countries to your attention. I can only put a limited number of pictures on this Home Page but I will try to give you as many links as possible to other sites about Africa. As there appears to be a shortage of things on Internet about Africa. The things that are there is not always easy to find so I hope this site will help you finding them
This page was originally contructed for all my good friends on the Internet and I have therefore included links to my home page especially for them.
I don't sell any thing on these pages.