
I have put a few pictures on this page to show you some interesting places and things in Africa and I hope that I have not infringed any copyrights.
I do hope to update this section regularly.

Just click on the name of the picture below to see an enlargement.

This is the beauty of the desert in Namibia.

This is sossus vlei after some rain. A very unusual thing
Namibia after some rain

These trees were believed to be half human.
Half Human Tree

Some indication of the loads that can be achieved.
Transport in Africa

Some of the best warriors in the world.
Masai Warriors

School buildings in Africa is often not at world class standards.

School in Africa

The Victoria Waterfalls.
Water Fall

Flowers in Lesotho.


One of the strange trees in Namibia
Butter Tree

Herero People

Lake Malawi.

Lake Malawi

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Last modified on Saturday, December 18, 1999